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Interpreting Soil Test Results

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780643092259
OKCZID: 110911565

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HAZELTON, P. A. Interpreting soil test results: what do all the numbers mean?. 2nd ed. Collingwood: CSIRO, 2010. xi, 152 s.



Interpreting Soil Test Results is a practical reference for those who need to interpret results from laboratory analysis of soil. It has a comprehensive listing of the soil properties relevant to most environmental and natural land resource issues and investigations. The precursor to this book, What Do All the Numbers Mean?, known as The Numbers Book, was widely used and accepted for interpreting soil test results. This new edition has been completely updated and many sections have been expanded, particularly those on acid sulfate soils and soil salinity. It is a handy and straightforward guide to interpretation of the numbers associated with a wide range of soil tests.

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