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Metaphor & Memory

Rok: 1991
ISBN: 9780679734253
OKCZID: 110616105

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
OZICK, Cynthia. Metaphor and memory: essays. New York: Vintage, 1991. xii, 283 s.



From the author of The Messiah of Stockholm and Art and Ardor comes a new collection of supple, provocative, and intellectually dazzling essays. In Metaphor & Memory, Cynthia Ozick writes about Saul Bellow and Henry James, William Gaddis and Primo Levi. She observes the tug-of-war between written and spoken language and the complex relation between art's contrivances and its moral truths. She has given us an exceptional book that demonstrates the possibilities of literature even as it explores them.

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