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Art across time | ||||||||
Autor: Adams, Laurie AnotaceArt Across Time is a comprehensive art history text that engages the mind of the reader by considering the place of images within the cultures that create them, even as it engages the eye with fabulous color reproductions that are two- and three-times the size of comparable images in other textbooks. Broadening the scope of her popular one-volume History of Western Art, Adams has integrated "Windows on the World" sections throughout the text to address the art, artists, and cultures of societies the world over. Furthermore, she has expanded the number of artists and artworks discussed to provide a fuller picture of western art for a full-year course. Maps, timelines, "materials and methods" boxes, literary excerpts, and artist biographies offer a multi-dimensional look at each period. These additions, combined with an approach that stresses current scholarship and methodologies, result in a vivid account of the history of art that will inform and entertain students. Dostupné zdroje