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Colour Etching (Printmaking Handbooks)

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780713668209
OKCZID: 110784135



In this book, Nigel Oxley describes fully the techniques of etching and aquatint employed by the artists who worked with him at Kelpra Studio where he established a reputation for using intaglio processes to create full colour images. Dame Elisabeth Frink, John Piper, John Hoyland, Jim Dine and Patrick Heron are illustrated within and the use of multi-plates is written with great detail. The author introduced the use of carborundum and polymer plates to the studio and the book includes step-by-step descriptions of these techniques.Having editioned for many years the author relates his experience of complex colour and plate combinations clearly enabling the reader to hav comprehensive insight to the work of the many artists illustrated within this book.This book is a valuable practical guide for the beginner and for those wishing to develop their printing and etching skills. For those interested in printmaking it provides a unique insight into the demands of a professional print.

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