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Rapid Reference to Erectile Dysfunction and Related Disorders: Rapid Reference Series

Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780723433279
OKCZID: 110867112



Each title in the Rapid Reference series provides the reader with authoritative and accessible information from a clinical expert in the field, to assist with treatment decisions. Each title includes standard core content (epidemiology, management, therapy) combined with the additional information-such as FAQs and patient organizations-needed by the primary care practitioners to provide effective patient care. The books also include drug listings, clinical trials, information on future developments, and web site listings, to keep the reader up to speed with new developments and to extend their knowledge of the disease area. Titles in the series focus on chronic conditions seen most often in the primary care setting. With patients becoming better informed about the nature and management of their conditions, Rapid Reference is a timely new series that offers the primary care practitioners easy access to the best information for patient care and management.Expert information succinctly written for ease of use. Abundant use of bulleted lists and short tables, for quick access to comparative information.Presents evidence-based sources for practice where available, either through research or best-practice guidelines.Frequently Asked Questions chapter helps practitioners prepare for patient visits and provide better patient care. Drugs appendix lists available drugs, with contraindications and side effects. Useful addresses and websites appendix provide additional resources for both the physician and patient.

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