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Senior Fitness Test Software

Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9780736033589
OKCZID: 110587771



The Senior Fitness Test Software is a companion resource to the Senior Fitness Test Manual. It aids the user in tracking the test scores of older adults, comparing the scores to national norms, and printing useful reports on participants' functional fitness levels.The software offers calculators and several options for reports that can be used in conjunction with the Senior Fitness Test.Anyone who administers the test will find the Senior Fitness Test Software to be a great resource for accurate and efficient record keeping.System Requirements* IBM PC compatible with Pentium® processor* Windows® 95/98/NT4/2000* At least 16 MB RAM with 32 MB recommended* 2x CD-ROM drive* 32 MB hard drive space* Printer (optional)* 256 colors* VGA color monitor* Sound card and Speakers (optional)* Mouse

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