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International Accounting Standards: from UK standards to IAS, an accelerated route to understanding the key principles of international accounting rules | |||||
Rok: 2007 AnotaceThis handbook is aquick reference to International Accounting Standards and is designed for all those who interact with financial information, and need an accelerated route to understanding the key principles of international accounting rules.It is essential reading for all members of the management team. Members of any finance and accounting team will find it a practical summary of all the big concerns allowing relevant questions to be raised with auditors and other professionals interested in the governance of the business.Tables, diagrams and flow charts are used extensively throughout in order to make the information presented user friendly and quickly assimilated. The consequences for the non-accounting functions of a business are clearly highlighted, to give further insights into how International Accounting standards impinge on abusiness. * Provides an accelerated route to understanding the key principles of the new International Accounting rules and the key skills to ease the transition to IAS* Shows the impact both on preparation and presentation of financial information and the consequences for analysis and interpretation. * Identifies the major differences between the two standards and reflects changes expected in the future. Dostupné zdroje