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Architecture student starter bundle: Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction | |||||
Rok: 2008 AnotaceWith more than 20,000 words and terms individually defined, the Dictionary offers huge coverage for anyone studying or working in architecture, construction or any of the built environment fields.The innovative and detailed cross-referencing system allows readers to track down elusive definitions from general subject headings. Starting from only the vaguest idea of the word required, a reader can quickly track down precisely the term they are looking for.The book is illustrated with stunning drawings that provide a visual as well as a textual definition of both key concepts and subtle differences in meaning. Davies and Jokiniemi's work sets a new standard for reference books for all those interested in the buildings that surround us.To browse the book and to see how this title is an invaluable resource for both students and professionals alike, visit www.architectsdictionary.com. * Comprehensive coverage of architecture and building terms* Detailed and innovative cross-referencing system* Beautifully illustrated with detailed technical drawings Dostupné zdroje