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Climbers : [a novel]

Autor: Harrison, M. John
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780753819555
OKCZID: 110108705

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HARRISON, M. John. Climbers: [a novel]. London: Phoenix, 2004. 246 s.



Retreating from his failed marriage to Pauline, Mike leaves London for the Yorkshire moors, where he meets Normal and his entourage, busy pursuing their own dreams of escape. Travelling from crag to crag throughout the country, they are searching for the unattainable: the perfect climb. Through rock-climbing, Mike discovers an intensity of experience - a wash of pain, fear and excitement - that obliterates the rest of his world. Increasingly addicted to the adrenalin, folklore and camaraderie of the sport, he finds, for a time, a genuine escape. But it is gained at a price...This dark, witty and poetic novel is full of the rugged beauty of nature, of the human drive to test oneself against extremes, and of the elation such escape can bring.

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