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Doing Visual Ethnography: Images, Media and Representation in Research

Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9780761960546
OKCZID: 110079614

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
PINK, Sarah. Doing visual ethnography. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2001. vii, 196 s.



Doing Visual Ethnography explores the use and potential of photography, video and hypermedia in ethnographic and social research. It sets out to offer a reflexive approach to theoretical, methodological, practical and ethical issues of using these media 'in the field' and 'in the academy'. Photography, video and electronic media are becoming increasingly incorporated into ethnographic work as 'cultural texts' demanding new approaches and research methods through which knowledge is negotiated, produced and represented. The author adopts the viewpoint that visual research methods should be rooted in a critical understanding of local and academic visual cultures, the visual media and technologies being used and the ethical issues they raise. Doing Visual Ethnography demonstrates that these new challenges that shape ethnographic knowledge can be met by understanding the reflexivity and experience through which visual and ethnographic materials are produced and interpreted. The book follows the research process from project design planning and implementing and practising fieldwork to analysis and representation suggesting how visual images and technologies can be combined to form an integrated process throughout the different stages of research. Drawing from her own experience of using photography, video and hypermedia in research, as well as the work of others, the author reviews and discusses practical examples and case studies that will enable the student and researcher to embark on their own research project.An excellent resource for students of sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, media studies, and those doing ethnographic and qualitative research.

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