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Gastrointestinal Pathology | |||||
Rok: c2008 AnotaceCompletely updated for its Third Edition, this full-color text/atlas is a comprehensive reference on gastrointestinal pathology in adults and pediatric patients. The book integrates pathologic analyses of specimens with anatomic, clinical, radiologic, pathophysiologic, and microbiologic information to give readers a clear understanding of each disease process. The outstanding selection of over 3,000 illustrations includes gross and microscopic photographs, electron micrographs, radiographs, and line drawings. Chapters cover non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of each anatomic section and disorders affecting multiple anatomic sites. This edition includes many new illustrations, significant updates on mesenchymal tumors, motility disorders, and inflammatory bowel disease, and new information on molecular biologic changes in various disorders. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and an image bank. "Doody's Core Titles 2009." Dostupné zdroje