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What are the gospels? : a comparison with Graeco-Roman biography

Autor: Richard A. Burridge, Graham Stanton
Rok: 2004.
ISBN: 9780802809711
OKCZID: 110291560
Vydání: 2nd ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BURRIDGE, Richard A. What are the gospels?: a comparison with Graeco-Roman biography. Second edition. Dearborn, Michigan: Dove Booksellers, 2004. xiv, 366 stran. The biblical resource series.



While the nineteenth-century assumption that the Gospels could be likened to biographies has been denied by the scholarly consensus of this century, in recent years a biographical genre has begun to be assumed once more. Richard Burridge provides a good foundation for the reintroduction of this view of the Gospels, and compares the work of the evangelists with ten Graeco-Roman biographies, drawing on insights from literary theory in the process.

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