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Collected poems 1919-1976

Autor: Tate, Allen
Rok: 1989
ISBN: 9780807115336
OKCZID: 110613653

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
TATE, Allen. Collected poems 1919-1976. Baton Rouge: Lousiana State University, 1989. x, 217 s.



One of the early-twentieth century Southern intellectuals and artists of the early twentieth century  known as the Agrarians, Allen Tate wrote poetry that was rooted strongly in that region's past--in the land, the people, and the traditions of the American South as well as in the forms and concerns of the classic poets. In "Ode to the Confederate Dead"-- generally recognized as his greatest poem--he delineates both the horror of the sight of rows of tombstones at a Confederate cemetery and the honor that such sacrifice embodies, resulting in "a masterpiece that could not be transcended" (William Pratt). 

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