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The American family home, 1800-1960

Autor: Clark, Clifford Edward
Rok: 1986
ISBN: 9780807816752
OKCZID: 110319798
Vydání: [1st ed.]

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CLARK, Clifford Edward. The american family home: 1800-1960. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1986, 281 s. ISBN 0-8078-1675-2.



In the nineteenth century, architects and family reformers launched promotional campaigns portraying houses no longer as simply physical structures in which families lived but as emblems for family cohesiveness and identity. Clark explains why, despite the fear of standardization and homogenization, the middle class has persisted in viewing the single-family home as the main symbol of independence as as the distinguishing sign of having achieved middle-class status.

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