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A History of Fisk University, 1865-1946

Rok: 1980
ISBN: 9780817300159
OKCZID: 110610080



Fisk University has been a leading black educational institution for more than a century. In this volume, the author attempts to trace its evolution and development from 1866 when it was little more than a primary school to the 1930s and 1940s when it became a center of culture and scholarship; from 1871 when it was necessary to send out Fisk Jubilee Singers to earn operating expenses to the 1940s then it a several million dollar endowment; and from 1866 when black children eagerly sought any education whites gave them to 1925 when students joined alumni to oust a white president they considers dictatorial.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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