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The study of religion : an introduction to key ideas and methods

Autor: George D. Chryssides , Ron Geaves
Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780826464491
NKP-CNB: bod001-000567726
OKCZID: 110314582

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CHRYSSIDES, George D. The study of religion: an introduction to key ideas and methods. London: Continuum, c2007. x, 429 s.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)



This is a student introductory guide to the history and methodology of the study of religion. This new guide fulfils two main aims: to introduce the history and methodology pertaining to the study of religion (including ideas of key theorists) and to raise and discuss the main problems in current scholarship in world religions. Increasingly, recognition has been given to the importance of methodology in the study of religion, and, with justification, methodological issues are generally taught to first year students in order to equip them for systematic academic study of the topic. Unfortunately many of the theories that impinge on methodology are explained in a highly complex way, which even advanced students find it hard to understand. This book will unravel the complexity of these issues for students. In addition to theories relating to Religious Studies, examples will be drawn from a variety of the world's historical religious traditions, spanning the range of major ones and some minor ones. The student will in this way gain some understanding of the fundamental ideas of the world's religions as well as an introduction to methods of study.

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