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Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach

Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780849316517
OKCZID: 110875754



While ancient concepts of yin and yang and meridians have been effective for sustaining traditional knowledge of acupuncture, contemporary clinicians need a more scientific structure to apply these complex teachings. A book that examines this Eastern medicine through the systematic principles of anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry is long overdue.Addressing acupuncture from a unique perspective, Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach abandons the traditional Oriental medicine approach in favor of a more analytical scientific presentation. This innovative book describes the progression of chronic pain in the peripheral nervous system, demonstrating that points conducting pain impulses through the peripheral nerves become more tender to palpation throughout life in response to episodes of pain, and this happens in a predictable sequence. This sequence, expressed as a "pain quantification," has important prognostic significance to the person's response to acupuncture, as well as other treatments.The author has diminished the metaphysical aura of classical acupuncture and reinvented it as a medical science. This original contribution adds new knowledge to the understanding of the progression of pain throughout a person's lifetime.

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