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Biomolecules in Organic Solvents

Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9780849348235
OKCZID: 110629143



Biomolecules and Organic Solvents discusses the behavior of enzymes and multi-enzyme complexes in organic solvents, in addition to the problem of water-protein interactions and the characteristics of water at interphases. It attempts to bridge the gap between the all water and the organic solvents systems from the point of view of enzyme structure and function. The mechanism of action of enzymes dispersed in anhydrous organic solvents and the biotechnological perspectives of the field are evaluated, and new information regarding the function and characteristics of complex multi-enzymatic systems and whole cells in organic solvents are examined. New developments regarding the nature of the water pool and interphases of reverse micelles and their enzyme kinetics are also explored. The characteristics and properties of enzymes trapped in reverse micelles are discussed throughout the book. Biomolecules in Organic Solvents is essential reading for biochemists, molecular biologists, and others working in related fields.

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