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Abbreviations Dictionary

Autor: De Sola, Ralph
Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9780849389443
OKCZID: 110577126
Vydání: Ninth edition

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DE SOLA, Ralph. Abbreviations Dictionary. Ninth edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1995. xviii, 1347 stran.



Still the standard reference of abbreviations after 35 years, the Abbreviations Dictionary, Ninth Edition continues the tradition of accuracy and comprehensiveness that has made it a classic. This new edition is the international sourcebook for locating elusive or general information on a vast array of topics. The Abbreviations Dictionary, Ninth Edition carries a comprehensive listing of abbreviations, acronyms, appellations, contractions, eponyms, geographic equivalents, initials, and slang shortcuts. It provides a current, easily accessible resource for locating some of the most elusive and confusing elements of our language. The Abbreviations Dictionary, Ninth Edition, is also a ready reference for useful information on such diverse topics as computer jargon, earthquake data, English grammar and usage, international conversions, medical terminology, wedding anniversaries, zip coding, and others. Features

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