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Analysis: What Analytical Chemists Do

Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780851864631
OKCZID: 110708799

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
TYSON, Julian. Analysis: What Analytical Chemists Do. Repr. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 1991. 13, 186 s.



An explanation of the chemical and physical principles involved in analytical chemistry. The topics covered are those most widely used in analytical laboratories and in addition to a discussion of the relevant aspects of reaction chemistry, the book explains the principles of several widely used instrumentational techniques. These include atomic and molecular spectroscopies and the separation sciences. The book explains how the reliability of quantative measurements may be assessed, and practical aspects of analytical method development are also examined. It provides an insight into the philosophy of analytical chemistry and shows the relevance of the subject to many areas of science, including medicine, agriculture, environmental monitoring, forensic sciene, industrial production and food and drink.

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