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Population ecology of raptors

Autor: Newton, Ian
Rok: 1979
ISBN: 9780856610233
OKCZID: 110578648
Vydání: 1st pub.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
NEWTON, Ian. Population ecology of raptors. Ilustrace Jim GAMMIE. 1st pub. London: T & AD Poyser, 1979. 399 s., [30] s. obr. příl.



Population Ecology of Raptors provides a synthesis of what we know about the population regulation of raptors. The author details their social behavior, their dispersion, numbers, movements, breeding, and mortality. He also deals with the effects of pesticides and other pollutants on raptors. Including all relevant material and information from around the world, this book provides a sound basis for further research and more effective conservation. It will be ofvalue not only to the professional research worker, but also to anyone else with a general interest in these birds. Authoritative summary by a world expert Full bibliography Written for both the professional researcher worker and those with a general interest in raptors.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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