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Red and Hot : the fate of jazz in the Soviet Union 1917-1991 : with a new chapter on the final years

Autor: S. Frederick Starr
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780879101800
OKCZID: 110020835

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
STARR, S. Frederick. Red and Hot: the fate of jazz in the Soviet Union 1917-1991 : with a new chapter on the final years. Second limelight edition. New York: Limeling editions, [ne před 2004]. xvii, 390 stran.



"...that rare thing, a piece of careful scholarship that is also superby entertaining...Starr, who is president of Oberlin College and has been associated with the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, is also a professional jazz musician, and his knowledgeable affection for the music shines through the text." - Andrea Lee, New York Times Book Review

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