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Stroke : a guide for patient and family

Autor: Frye-Pierson, Janice
Rok: c1987.
ISBN: 9780890046371
ISBN: 9780881672794
OKCZID: 110298613

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
FRYE-PIERSON, Janice. Stroke: a guide for patient and family. New York: Raven Press, c1987. ix, 211 s.



Written by a leading neurological nurse clinician and a prominent neurologist, this practical guide addresses the questions raised by stroke patients and their families and offers suggestions to aid the patient's rehabilitation. The opening chapters explain the risk factors, causes, symptoms, syndromes, and management of stroke; the tests used for stroke diagnosis and management; and the steps involved in patient examination. The section on rehabilitation includes chapters contributed by a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, physical therapist, speech pathologist, and rehabilitation nurse. These specialists discuss the adjustment problems, motor skill problems, language and speech problems, spatial-perceptual deficits, bladder and bowel problems, and sexual problems that can accompany stroke. A chapter written by an architect suggests structural modifications in the home to meet the patient's needs.

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