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Elementary Instructions for Students of Sculpture (Getty Trust Publications: J. Paul Getty Museum)

Rok: 2002
ISBN: 9780892366880
OKCZID: 110241482

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CARRADORI, Francesco. Elementary instructions for students of sculpture. Překlad Paolo BERNARDINI. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2002. 114 s.


This is a translation of the 1802 introduction to studio practices for sculpture students by Francesco Carradori (1747-1824), a sculptor, restorer, and instructor of sculpture at the Accademia in Florence from 1786 to 1821. Carradori's instructions are vital to understanding the art and craft of sculpting as they were practiced before the twentieth century, since little substantial material exists that demonstrates, in an informed, didactic manner, the various tools and techniques used by ancient sculptors to execute work. Carradori's work is the most comprehensive and instructive and includes thirteen articles that explain how to restore marble sculpture, model clay, work with stucco and wax, cast and finish bronze, and carve and enlarge models into marble and stone, as well as seventeen tables that illustrate the arrangement, methods, and tools used in each of these processes. Paolo Bernardini discusses the historical and theoretical aspects of sculptural practice in nineteenth-century Italy. Translator Matti Auvinen gives an introduction to sculptural studio practice in the nineteenth century. In addition, the complete Italian text is reprinted.

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