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The assessment of child and adolescent personality

Rok: c1986
ISBN: 9780898626681
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)13123323
OKCZID: 110821978

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KNOFF, Howard M., ed. The assessment of child and adolescent personality. New York: Guilford Press, c1986. xviii, 686 s.



Now available in paper for the first time, this volume brings together leading contributors to provide a comprehensive review of theory, research, and practice in child and adolescent personality assessment. Organized for easy reference, the book is divided into four parts. Part I summarizes basic theories, issues, and concepts, setting forth a framework for assessment as a hypothesis-generating, problem-solving process. Part II describes and evaluates a wide range of relevant approaches, tests, and techniques, marshaling the available data and reviewing administration procedures, scoring, and interpretation. In Part III, the process by which personality assessment is translated into effective intervention strategies and programs for children is examined in depth. A summary of major perspectives and recommended practices is presented in Part IV, which also considers future needs and directions for the field.

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