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2004 state of the future

Autor: Jerome C. Glenn, Theodore J. Gordon
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780972205122
OKCZID: 110793803



Combination of 98-page print and 3,000–page CD with graphs, tables, and annotated bibliography of about 550 scenario sets. The "2004 State of the Future" report is a unique resource for those who care about global change and improving the future, including corporate strategic planners, marketing executives, and policy makers. "2004 State of the Future" provides both executive summaries and full details of international assessments of 15 Global Challenges facing humanity, unique Middle East Peace Scenarios, Global and National State of the Future Indexes, environmental security developments, and other issues of global significance. Sustainable development is a concept that should be applied to decisions of all nations to the benefit of all people. It includes the right to and availability of safe water, energy, food, and health services. To achieve sustainable development, population and resources must be balanced by forward-looking, democratic governance. In turn, improved decision making should be based on proper information and a new global sensitivity to ethics. Decisions that encourage sustainable development will work to counter terrorism and organized crime. Improved decision making will help close the rich-poor gap, and support the changing role of women. Science and technology, properly managed, will benefit humanity. However, we lack full understanding of the complexities of the global situation over time, and the interrelationships that determine the outcomes—expected and unexpected—of strategies at all levels. The "2004 State of the Future" is designed to promote understanding of what strategies and policies may be needed, and their outcomes. It provides a common platform for global actors, educators, and the concerned public to use in building more coherent policy. The eighth in an annual series of global "report cards on the future," the "2004 State of the Future" report represents the collective intelligence of over 1,650 leading minds in more than 50 countries who work for governments, corporations, NGOs, universities, and international organizations.

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