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Cat o'nine tails : cat at sea

Autor: Julia Golding
ISBN: 9781405230469
OKCZID: 128417556

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GOLDING, Julia. Cat o'nine tails: cat at sea. London: Egmont, 2007. 383 stran. Cat Royal, 4.



Following the award-winning "The Diamond of Drury Lane", here we present the sea-faring volume from our famous feisty heroine Cat Royal...Cat O'Nine Tails. Cat becomes an unlikely recruit for the British Navy, takes passage to America and navigates her way through a fiendish plot to do away with Lord Francis, heir to a dukedom. From the grand Assembly Rooms of Bath to the wilds of a new frontier, Cat finds she is for once quite out of her depth. All aboard, Cat's going abroad.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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