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A court of silver flames

Autor: Sarah J. Maas
Rok: 2022
ISBN: 9781526635365
OKCZID: 128890291

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MAAS, Sarah J. A court of silver flames. London: Bloomsbury, 2022. 757 stran.



Nesta Archeron has always been prickly - proud, swift to anger and slow to forgive. And since the war - since being made High Fae against her will - she's struggled to forget the horrors she endured and find a place for herself within the strange and deadly Night Court. The person who ignites her temper more than any other is Cassian, the battle-scarred, winged warrior who is there at Nesta's every turn. But her temper isn't the only thing Cassian ignites. And when they are forced to train in battle together, sparks become flame. As the threat of war casts its shadow over them once again, Nesta and Cassian must fight monsters from within and without if they are to stand a chance of halting the enemies of their court. But the ultimate risk will be searching for acceptance - and healing - in each other's arms.

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