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Inspiration=ideas: A Creativity Sourcebook for Graphic Designers | |||||
Rok: 2002 Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů) AnotaceToday’s world is so flooded with images and information that only the freshest designs get noticed; but dominating trends and carbon-copy successes often trap designers in “been there, done that” mediocrity. In the first portion of the book twenty of the world’s leading designers, including Wolfgang Weingart, Carlos Segura, Bruce Mau, and Margo Chase, reveal the unique and diverse places in which they find inspiration and show how they have incorporated these sources into their work. Whether it be a city, a person, a movie, a promise, a piece of garbage, or simply the act of conversing, inspiration comes in many forms and being able to recognize and harness its power is half the battle. The back half of the book opens the door to a new way of seeing by delivering an endless stream of imagery and ideas straight to a designers’ desktop. Indigenous design, traditional patterns, captivating textures and materials, and common and uncommon sights introduce readers to “found design,” where inspiration flows not from successful finished designs, but from textures, colors, patterns, and primitive and offbeat imagery. This creative sourcebook will enable artists to transform their work from common and bland to beautiful and unique. Dostupné zdroje