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Internetworking Technologies Handbook (3rd Edition)

Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9781587050015
OKCZID: 110566375

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Internetworking technologies handbook. 3rd ed. Indianapolis: Cisco Press, c2000. xxxix, 1077 s. Cisco Press core series.



For courses in Cisco Certification, Cisco Technology and Networking.Internetworking Technologies Handbook, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide detailing available internetworking alternatives. It provides the student with the most current technologies for wide area networks (WANs) and teaches how to effectively implement these technologies on a network. After working with this book, the student will possess a greater understanding of local and wide area networking and the hardware, protocols, and services involved. Preparing the student to be able to make more intelligent, cost-effective and quantifiable networking decisions for their environment. This book is part of the Cisco-recommended training for CCNA certification preparation.

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