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Atlas of Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology | |||||
Rok: 2008 Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (6 hlasů) AnotaceThe second edition of Atlas of Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology presents an up-to-date reference for the latest techniques in the challenging area of skull base surgery. Greatly expanded in this edition is the book’s broad coverage of technical maneuvers for the various surgical approaches. The atlas provides an overview of the fundamental concepts in surgical management with succinct descriptions of surgical anatomy, pathological anatomy of skull base problems, the use of endoscopes in skull base surgery, and vascular considerations. <br><br>Highlights of this edition:<br>*Features concise, step-by-step descriptions of surgical techniques <br>*Expanded to include 700 full-color, high-quality illustrations by artist Christine Gralapp demonstrating key aspects of anatomy, operative exposures, and surgical maneuvers<br><br>An invaluable aid to mastering the complex anatomy and techniques for skull base surgery and neurotology, this book is essential for otolaryngologists, neurosurgeons, and residents in these specialties. Dostupné zdroje