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Designing better maps : a guide for GIS users

Autor: Brewer, Cynthia A.
Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9781589480896
OKCZID: 110033607
Vydání: 1st ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BREWER, Cynthia A. Designing better maps: a guide for GIS users. 1st ed. Redlands, Calif.: ESRI Press, 2005. 202 s.



Describing how to build balanced map layouts suited to varied mapping goals, this guide focuses on export options that suit different media and can be edited in other applications. The wide range of text characteristics needed for expert map design as well as how to improve map readability with type effects such as character spacing, leading, callouts, shadows, and halos is detailed. Tips are included for using font tools in the Windows operating system, such as creating special characters in map text, as is information on using text characteristics to indicate feature locations, categories, and hierarchies on maps. How cartographic conventions guide placement of labels for point, line, and area features are also explained.

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