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The Redeemer

Autor: Nesbø Jo
Rok: 2022
ISBN: 9781784703172
OKCZID: 124059130

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
NESBØ, Jo. The Redeemer. Překlad Don BARTLETT. London: Vintage, 2015. 571 stran.

Hodnocení: 5.0 / 5 (3 hlasů)



It is a freezing December night and Christmas shoppers have gathered to listen to a carol concert. Then a shot rings out and one of the singers falls to the floor, dead. Detective Harry Hole and his team are called in to investigate but have little to work with – there is no immediate suspect, no weapon and no motive. But when the assassin discovers he's shot the wrong man, Harry finds his troubles have only just begun.

Zdroj anotace: Web obalkyknih.cz

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