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Not a happy family

Autor: Shari Lapeña
Rok: 2021
ISBN: 9781787633025
OKCZID: 128882759

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LAPEÑA, Shari. Not a happy family. [London]: Bantam Press, 2021. 351 stran.



Every family has its secrets. Fred and Sheila Mercer have worked hard their whole lives. And it's paid off. They have a beautiful house in the dream neighbourhood and their three adult children have always had everything they could have wished for. The family has had it good. But now, after a family dinner, the Mercers are dead. Murdered. Their children are devastated, aren't they? Even as they are set to inherit millions. Surely a stranger is responsible and not one of them . . . This family's secrets are deadly.

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