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This is your brain on music : understanding a human obsession

Autor: Daniel J. Levitin
Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9781843547167
OKCZID: 114882227

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LEVITIN, Daniel J. This is your brain on music: understanding a human obsession. Paperback edition. London: Atlantic Books, 2008. vi, 322 stran.



A fascinating insight into the human obsession with music, this explains why jingles get inside our heads, and why music can offer such emotional experiences. It has been a runaway success in the US, selling 220,000 copies to date, and was wonderfully reviewed in hardback. 'Levitin's extremely skilled at laying out complex concepts in understandable terms...' Jonathan O'Brien, "Sunday Business Post"

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