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Protecting the ozone layer : the United Nations history

Autor: Stephen O. Andersen, K. Madhava Sarma, Lani Sinclair, Kofi A. Annan
Rok: 2002
ISBN: 9781853839054
OKCZID: 110511824

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ANDERSEN, Stephen O., Lani SINCLAIR a K. Madhava SARMA. Protecting the ozone layer: the United Nations history. London: Earthscan Publications, c2002, 513 s. ISBN 1-85383-905-1.



In the 1970s the world became aware of a huge danger: the destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer by CFCs escaping into the atmosphere, and the damage this could do to human health and the food chain. So great was the threat that by 1987 the UN had succeeded in coordinating an international treaty to phase out emissions; which, over the following 15 years has been implemented. It has been hailed as an outstanding success. It needed the participation of all the parties: governments, industry, scientists, campaigners, NGOs and the media, and is a model for future treaties. This volume provides the authoritative and comprehensive history of the whole process from the earliest warning signs to the present. It is an invaluable record for all those involved and a necessary reference for future negotiations to a wide range of scholars, students and professionals.

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