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Rok: 2010
ISBN: 9781856696661
OKCZID: 110690153

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MARIEN, Mary Warner. Photography: a cultural history. 3rd ed. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2010. xv, 552 s.


'Here is the history we've been waiting for ...erudite and entertaining ...she shows how pictures really did change our world. Her shrewd selection of over 600 fascinating photos (many in colour) illustrate a history that meets the ultimate test: open to any page and you're hooked ...and its free from tormenting academic jargon' - "Camera Arts". This 3rd edition of the groundbreaking survey of international photography has 16 additional pages, including new material from recent research on Victorian photography's relationship to painting, photography's involvement with German and Russian art movement between the World Wars and growing influence of vernacular photography alongside art and commercial photography. It documents the rise of digital photography and its impact on photographic history and contemporary practice, including worldwide use of digital cameras and phone cameras. This remains the only book to trace the entire history of photography in its cultural context, worldwide.

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