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Territories of the Russian Federation 2007

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9781857434187
OKCZID: 110676196



The Territories of the Russian Federation 2007 offers a diverse collection of political and economic information on the Russian Federation and its eighty-nine constituent units. The introduction examines the Russian Federation as a whole, and consists of an essay written by acknowledged experts, focusing on the economic relationship between the federal subjects and the state, followed by a chronology, demographic and economic statistics, and a review of the federal Government.The second section comprises Territorial Surveys, with a chapter on each of Russia's eighty-nine federal subjects. Each chapter includes:* A map, plus a description of location, topography, area and population* Details of the history of the territory, followed by information on the recent and existing political situation* An economic survey, presenting the latest available data on transport, agriculture, industry, external trade, finance and employment* A directory listing essential names and addresses for the leading political officials.The third and fourth parts comprise a select bibliography of books and indexes, listing the territories alphabetically, with a gazetteer of alternative names, and by both Federal Okrug and economic area.Key features:* a comprehensive overview of the Russian Federation* an analysis and understanding of the country's regional dimension* Invaluable directories of important territorial contacts* Detailed and accurate political, economic and statistical information* Some 100 current maps* Extensive information from a wide variety of sources, many of which are unavailable in English.

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