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New hotels for global nomads

Autor: ALBRECHT, Donald
Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9781858941745
OKCZID: 110475976

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ALBRECHT, Donald. New hotels for global nomads. 1st pub. New York: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, 2002. 159 s.



The modern hotel not only offers a place to sleep, but, through its design, amenities and sense of theater, it also provides its guests with the ultimate escapist experience. This book combines architecture, interior design, photography, film, and works of art to show just how varied and dynamic international hotels can be today. Examining over thirty real and conceptual examples, and complemented by an authoritative text and stunning photography, this book provides a compelling answer to the question, "What is the purpose of the modern hotel?" From The Venetian in Las Vegas, an outstanding example of the gambling capital's new generation of scenographic hotels, to the sail-shaped, "seven-star" Burj-al-Arab fantasy in Dubai, the designs are fully explored. The marketing of these hotels, and the cross-fertilization of hotel-design principles with those of other industries, is also covered. With the inclusion of plans and computer renderings, this book is essential reading for designers, architects, design-conscious travelers, and business people alike.

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