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Performer's Guide to Music of the Baroque Period

Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9781860961922
OKCZID: 110572170

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
A performer's guide to music of the baroque period. 1st pub. London: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, 2002. x, 130 s. Performer's guides.



The latest thinking on stylish performance is presented in a clear, helpful and practical way in these guides. They include chapters from leading experts on historical background, notation and interpretation, and sources and editions. They contain specialist advice for keyboard, string and wind players, and singers. They are illustrated with many music examples, facsimiles and pictures. They also include a full-length CD of excerpts from authoritative recordings. These stimulating guides will help students and their teachers to achieve stylish performances of music of the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods. They will also add to the knowledge and understanding of amateur and professional musicians and all music lovers. The contributors to the Baroque volume are: Christopher Hogwood - Introduction; George Pratt - Historical Background; Peter Holman - Notation and Interpretation; Davitt Moroney - Keyboard; Andrew Manze - Strings; Stephen Preston - Wind Instruments; John Potter - Singing; and Clifford Bartlett - Sources and Editions.

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