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Travels and other writings

Autor: Bartram, William
Rok: 1996
ISBN: 9781883011116
NKP-CNB: 001143659
OKCZID: 110029226

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BARTRAM, William. Travels and other writings. 1st print. New York: Library of America, c1996, 701 s. The Library of America, 84. ISBN 1-883011-11-6.



Artist, writer, botanist, gardener, explorer, and ethnographer, William Bartram was the most significant American nature writer before Thoreau. This volume includes "Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida" (1791), as well as Bartram's report to his English patron, scientific and ethnographic papers, and extensive gathering of Bartram's beautiful drawings, many in full color, and an index, a glossary of flora and fauna, and a map.

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