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Biosciences on the Internet : a student's guide

Autor: Dussart, Georges
Rok: c2002
ISBN: 9781888626032
ISBN: 9780471498421
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)47983955
OKCZID: 110610707

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DUSSART, Georges. Biosciences on the Internet: a student's guide. Chichester: John Wiley, c2002. xv, 326 s.



Most biological science departments run general skills courses for their first years, which include some combination of a range of topics from lab skills, writing and presentation to basic maths, statistics and IT. The IT section of these courses tend to include some internet coverage but the trend towards learning how to find, access, manage and correctly cite online resources is rapidly becoming a required necessity for every student throughout their undergraduate career.At present, there are no internet guides that specifically target this audience, despite the increasing importance placed on the use of online resources and the difficulties students encounter trying to make effective use of the information that is available. There are a lot of resources on the internet and students, especially first years, can feel swamped. As well as needing a guide, students need support to help them identify good, reliable information on the net. They also need guidance in administering the organisation of their searches and the materials that they discover on the internet. This simple guide will help bioscience students to access the information they need on the internet, and to make the most efficient and effective use of their time online.

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