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Animation : genre and authorship

Autor: Paul Wells
Rok: ©2002
ISBN: 9781903364208
OKCZID: 110037805

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WELLS, Paul. Animation: genre and authorship. London: Wallflower, [2002]. 149 stran. Short cut : introductions to film studies.



Animation: Genre and Authorship is an overview of the distinctive language of animation, its production processes, and the particular questions about who makes it, under what conditions and with what purpose. Arguably, animation provides the greatest opportunity for distinctive models of "auteurism" and revises generic categories. This is the first study to look specifically at these issues, and to challenge the prominence of live action movie-making as the first form of contemporary cinema and visual culture. Including extensive analysis of individual animators and their operation within studios such as Disney and Dreamworks, the book investigates the use of animation in genres from horror and science fiction to documentary and propaganda.

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