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Great Expectations. The Graphic Novel

Autor: Charles Dickens
Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9781906332099
OKCZID: 110589722

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GREEN, Jen a DICKENS, Charles, ed. Great expectations: the graphic novel : original text version. Ilustrace John STOKES. 1st UK ed. Towcester: Classical Comics, c2009. 157 s. Classical comics.



The classic novel brought to life in full colour! 'I never saw my father or my mother, and never saw any likeness of either of them'. No classical collection would be complete without this well-loved Dickens title. The wonderful tale of Pip, Miss Havisham, and the spiteful Estella is retold here with fresh enthusiasm contained within rich Victorian ambiance, for a wonderful reading experience.

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