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Institution Building: Artists, Curators, Architects and The Struggle for Institutional Space | |||||
Rok: 2010 AnotaceThis thought-provoking collection of writings looks at how the language of the architectural skin in which art is presented affects theway in which viewers, curators, and artists experience the works. Continuing Sternberg Press's exploration of the concept and realityof the European Kunsthalle a temporary art exhibit space the editors and contributors offer a series of strategies that explore theintermixing of the disciplines of art itself, how art is exhibited, and architecture. How will that apply to the interaction between futureexhibitions and their spaces? As time spans of exhibitions become shorter and programs become more differentiated, architecture in itselfbecomes the exhibition. With contributions by Shumon Basar, Andrea Phillips, and Jan Verwoert. Dostupné zdroje