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The essential principles of graphic design | ||
Autor: Millman, Debbie. AnotaceThe Essential Principles of Graphic Design is a one-stop practical resource book for students. It is structured around five progressive sections--principles, elements, process, practice, and production--to give students a thorough grounding in designing and producing their own work.The book begins with clear outlines of the basic principles of good design, then moves on to explain the specific building blocks of graphic design. This leads to process and production, with outlines of the technical processes required to get a job done, and the tools and equipment required to prepare, output, and publish work. Subsequent chapters deconstruct the work of respected professionals and emerging talents. Chapters on illustrations and photographs include advice on sourcing images and details precisely what will and won't provide reproducible quality. They also cover the vital issues of usage and copyright. Essential production considerations and advice are given in the context of creating a killer portfolio, giving tips and hints, pros and cons for paper, digital, and electronic presentations. The book concludes with a showcase of inspirational design. Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU |