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Deutschsprachige Literatur Des Mittelalters: Studienauswahl Aus Dem, Verfasserlexikon' (Bank 1T10 (German Edition)

Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9783110169119
OKCZID: 110221478

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WACHINGER, Burghart, ed. Deutschsprachige Literatur des Mittelalters: Studienauswahl aus dem "Verfasserlexikon" (Band 1-10). New York: Gruyter, 2001. xxvi, 1107 s.



The "Deutschsprachige Literatur des Mittelalters" is now available, a one-volume selection of articles from the 10-volume "Verfasserlexikon", the comprehensive reference work to medieval vernacular and Latin writings in the German-speaking world. Priority has been given to those areas most likely to feature in academic teaching; apart from the most famous works and authors, emphasis has been placed on the 9th century, the period from 1150 to 1250, the 13th and 14th century mystics, and miniature epics and carnival plays. The selection also includes a number of works in Low German and one Old Yiddish text. This student edition retains the important features of the complete work, such as the lexical arrangement of the monograph articles and an account of the transmission of the works.

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