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Routinen und Rituale in der Alltagskommunikation

Autor: Heinz-Helmut Lüger
Rok: 1993
ISBN: 9783468496745
NKP-CNB: abd001-002135268
OKCZID: 110104939

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LÜGER, Heinz-Helmut. Routinen und Rituale in der Alltagskommunikation. München: Langenscheidt, 1999. 112 s. Fernstudienangebot. Germanistik, 6.



Part of the "Fernstudienangebot" produced in Germany by experts for teachers and education majors worldwide. This sixth volume presents an analysis of rituals of everyday communication, particularly as they manifest themselves in the culture of the German-speaking areas. Each volume in the series offers a multitude of sample activities (usually more than 100) which may be photocopied and used in any class. Written entirely in German, this is an excellent resource for any language teacher, student teacher, or teacher trainer.

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