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The chemistry of heterocycles : structure, reactions, syntheses, and applications

Autor: Eicher, Theophil
Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9783527307203
OKCZID: 110353000
Vydání: 1st ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
EICHER, Theophil. The chemistry of heterocycles: structure, reactions, syntheses, and applications. Překlad Hans SUSCHITZKY, překlad Judith SUSCHITZKY. 1st ed. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2003. xvi, 556 s.



The second edition of this "classic" among textbooks on heterocycle chemistry. Here, Theophil Eicher and Siegfried Hauptmann, both renowned authors of many successful such works, present all the important aspects of this fascinating field in a clear manner. - completely revised - enlarged - numerous Q&As help readers to deepen their knowledge - covers the very latest topics, such as metal-catalyzed coupling reactions - systematic substance nomenclature - comprehensive overview of all the important substance classes. A must-have for advanced students of organic chemistry as well as for chemists looking for a quick overview of the field.

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