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Spectacular Chemical Experiments

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9783527318650
OKCZID: 110954753

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ROESKY, H. W. Spectacular chemical experiments. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2007. xiv, 224 s.



Written by the author of the award-winning Chemische Kabinettst?cke this book demonstrates over 80 enjoyable, impressive and sometimes almost unbelievable chemical experiments for the classroom, lecture hall or home. All the experiments are explained in full, and have been tested several times such that their successful reproduction is guaranteed.Grouped into several cycles—water, the color blue, the color red, soles, and self-organization—the topics are perfect for experimental lectures or school projects. Detailed illustrations and the lively writing style make this book equally attractive to readers interested in chemistry, even if they are unable to perform the experiments.

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